Thursday, August 19, 2010


so instead of boring you with my usual nonsense about what books you should read im going to tell you about how terrible my first day of school was. i didnt get lost or anything, but my school has no a/c. it was almost 100 today... Xl thats my dead face.

some reasons why today was the worst first day of school ever.
  1. like i said, no a/c
  2. without a/c they had to keep the fans blasting and you could barely hear a word anyone said.
  3. i was retarded and wore skinny capris
  4. i cant even wear sandals because i have space and aeronautics which is similar to a shop class.
  5. all the teachers just talked about "what the expect". BORING.
  6. i had to get up in multiple classes and introduce myself. complete and utter torture. i would rather die than embarres myself in front of people.
  7. by 7th period i was ready to fall asleep. luckily it was art.
  8. my classes are all over the school so i have to carry pretty much all my stuff around with me the whole day.
  10. i couldnt stop thinking about my younger sister, in her nice air conditioned building.
  11. so much walking!
  12. had to get up early.

so, only one thing made me truely happy today, the fact that because the the MIND BENDINGLY TERRIBLE HEAT, we are having an early realease tomrrow. cue the angels singing. and to make things even better, my sister isnt!:P

anyway, hope you enjoyed my first rant:) more stuff about books and such later!

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