Saturday, June 26, 2010

An Abundance of Katherines

I recently finished An Abundance of Katherines, also by John Green.
The story revolves around Colin, a former child prodigy. The problem with being a child prodigy is that prodigy's are really good at learning things that people have already made, like languages, math etc. whereas prodigy's are not very good at creating something of their own.
Now Colin is 18 and has just graduated from high school and has just been dumped by a Katherine. Again. For the 19th time. Yes, Colin has dated 19 girls, all named Katherine. Same spelling even. Never a girl not named Katherine. It's not like he goes looking for girls named Katherine to date, it just happens by chance.
Now with a broken heart and sad prospects for being notable and famous, Colin and his best and only friend Hassain, go on a road trip. They end up in a small town in Tennessee called Gutshot. They stop there to look at the grave of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, whose assassination prompted the start of WWI, but soon find themselves traipsing around Gutshot with Lindsey, the girl who works at the general store, and coinsidentally is the granddaughter of the founder of the factory that keeps Gutshot going.
But when Colin goes and bumps his head, he has a 'Eureka!' moment and decides to try and make a mathematic equation that can predict how any relationship will end.
It's a bumpy, whitty, and insanely funny ride that they all get taken on. It involves incontinent oldsters, scary hicks, and a wild hog or two.

5 Stars!!
John Green is a Wonderful author.
Link to his and his brothers youtube site bellow.

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