Saturday, June 26, 2010

will greyson will greyson

sup, its haley. so just a couple days ago i finished a book of awesomeness written by my favorite author john green and this other guy david leviathan. no offense, but i havent read any of his books. anyway, this book was REALLY GOOD, like almost as good as paper towns, my favorite of john greens books. (so far at least, i havent read an abundance of katherines yet)

so this book is about two boys named will greyson. one is just all around lame, he doesnt have many friends, and has 2 rules for life. shut up and dont care. of course he has his one best friend, tiny. tiny is gay and large. and lively, and loud, and just the opposite of will.

other will lives with only his mom and is depressed. and gay, but not near as gay as tiny. he has this friend, issac, whom he hasnt met, but talks to on the internet a lot. hes in love with issac. then he makes plans to meet issac and will greyson 1 makes plans to go to a concert.

thats when they meet, because neither plans turn out right. of course issac isnt some rapist or 80 year old dude like i thought. i mean, usually when people meet people on the internet its bad news. i wish i could put more, but i dont want to give away the story. so read it, but be careful because theres a lot of cursing, and although there isnt any sex, theres a lot of talk about it. so if you dont mind that much, go ahead and read it, you wont regret it.

thanks for following (what do you mean you arent following yet?!) make sure you tell your friends!!!

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